Friday, July 25, 2014

Areas of Injury in Taekwondo

Taekwondo is a very popular sport; however, as discussed in earlier blogs, there are many risks to practicing this sport!

One of the first and foremost concern is concussions! Other parts of injury include arms, legs, trunk and groin area.

      Table 1: Region of Injury (Zetaruk, M. N., Violan, M. A., Zurakowski, D., & Micheli, L. J., 2005)

The above chart is from a study conducted on Taekwondo athletes during training/competition. Out of the 49 members that participated in the study, 30% sustained head/neck injuries, such as concussions. 40.8% incurred injuries in their upper extremity, 57.1% in their lower extremity, 18.4% in the groin area and 24.5% at their trunk.